Monday, November 26, 2012

My View on Speak

        When reading the book Speak, I really was hooked the moment I started. As a girl ho does not like to read, Speak was very interesting. I love how it was based on things that could actually happen. I also believe that this book raised awareness about bullying and helped other people around realize how serious bullying can be. I would read this book again.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Caged Bird and Melinda

The bird is like Melinda in many ways. For Melinda, school is like the cage for the bird. Her "friends" put her down and tease her about everything. In the poem, the bird's feet are tied and it can't get to freedom even though he screams for it. Melinda wants freedom from these people but does not know how to get there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


When it comes to high school, not much has changed over the years. If anything, things have gotten more serious, like suicide, alienation, and being judged. Teenagers in high school can relate to Melinda in Speak in many ways. Melinda feels alienated by her "ex friends" in high school and feels suicide. Many people in high school can be cruel and not worry about other peoples feelings. High school is still this way today and in some cases much worse. I believe this needs to be stopped.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Immigrants in the U.S.

Only immigrants with blue collar jobs should be allowed in the United States. If the U.S. allows just any immigrants to come into America, we will be over populated and more at risk for terrorism. Only allowing immigrants that have blue collar jobs will help us as well. Some Americans refuse to work and the immigrants are very hard workers. So, in conclusion, I believe only allowing these immigrants into to U.S. will help everyone!